Bromley’s Premier And Historical Bowls Club
All are welcome, young, mature, experienced and new players; there is something for everyone
Events & Socials
Queens Mead opens for play on Saturday 20th April 2024 from 10am. The club will be open the following 3 Saturdays at this time.
Lady players would be very welcome throughout the season. If you don’t play but would like to just pop in to see us any Monday or Friday between 2 and 5pm. Or at any other time if you are passing and see someone playing
Usual club days are Mondays and Fridays when the Lancaster Competition is played during season; please contact the office (details at the bottom of this page) for the full schedule.
Usually on a Thursday during the off-season, we play indoor bowls at Lewisham Indoor Bowls Centre; please contact the office for the full schedule.
We also meet during the winter months to play darts, table tennis and enjoy a coffee morning once a month, where raffle prizes can we won.
The Minute Recording the Formation of the Queen Mead Bowling Club
QUEENS MEAD BOWLING CLUB (QMBC) was formed on April 19th 1911 and is among the oldest of the clubs in the Bromley and Beckenham area.
Our playing season comprises matches with other clubs in North West Kent and as far as the south coast. They include social matches, league - North West Kent and LXL, County and local competitions and our own internal Club Championships. The number of matches we have make quite a demand on our membership and we are always looking to encourage new members to join us whether they be experienced bowlers or complete novices.

With a rich-history and an emphasis on community, fun and fair play, Queens Mead Bowls Club offers something for everyone; from novices to advanced players
Contact Us
Queens Mead Road, Bromley, BR2 0ER
020 8325 8863 (Kath - Secretary)
020 8460 5079 (Brian - Club Captain)
For more information e-mail: kathg886@gmail.com
Subject QMBC enquiry
Club days are Monday & Friday 2pm to 5pm and Saturday from 10am you will be very welcome to join us. Just bring flat soled shoes.